Johnny Wesley Watkins
November 22, 1991 - June 13, 2009
A Way of Life
By, Wesley Watkins
I think life should be viewed better than it is today. People these days often take advantage of what is given to us. I think people should learn how to respect other people and get respected by others. People should start being nicer and work on being much friendlier.
I think we should just live our life the best that we can and be happy. I also think people should try to enjoy the small things in life like staring at the Sunset or making cool shapes out of the clouds. People should learn that there is more to life than just money. Maybe if we lived this way we would have more friends and get along with everyone.
I often think about life and friendship and what we are doing wrong. I have come to believe that we are put on this earth for a reason and are here to accomplish a task. But this task has nothing to do with money it has to do with something else.
Love is a strong word which I believe we take advantage of. I think that you can’t go through life not loving someone or something else. If we learned to love and respect one another maybe there wouldn’t be so much hate in the world. If we all loved one another there wouldn’t be tragedies or murder. I don’t think people should hold grudges no matter how cruel that person seems to be because I strongly believe that there is a little good in everyone.
Sometimes I sit and think that we should stop thinking about ourselves and think about how other people feel.
We should learn to just take life the way it goes and just deal with what happens because that’s just the way it is.
This essay is a true testimony to Wesley’s character. He genuinely lived his life by these words. Family and friends will always remember Wes’ kind heart and sweet smile. He was a true gentleman, never having anything bad to say about anyone. Wes encouraged us to be better people.
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